沙烏地阿拉伯解除印度水產品禁令 沙烏地阿拉伯終於解除印度水產品進口禁令。此禁令乃肇因於幾年前自印度及其他南亞國家進口的水產品樣本中檢驗出弧菌霍亂(vibrio cholera)所致。報導指出,來自於沙烏地吳哥窟阿拉伯之代表團近日參訪印度水產品加工中心,並與印度海洋水產品出口發展局(MPEDA)官方代表、印度水產品出口商聯盟(SEAI)座談。儘管沙國感於印度水產業認真維持水產品高品質的用心而解除禁令,仍會對結婚西裝即將進口的水產品採取更為嚴格的品管。為防治霍亂或其他傳染性疾病,波斯灣合作委員會(Gulf Cooperation Council,GCC)進口食品類通關手冊中載明,每次運送皆須檢附由合格機關核發的衛生證明備查。 (摘膠原蛋白譯自INFOFISH Trade News NO.9/2009,15 May 2009)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BAN ON INDIAN SEAFOOD LIFTEDSaudi Arabia has finally lifted the ban on the import of 小型辦公室fish products from India. The ban was imposed a few years agoon seafood items from a number of countries affected by cholera. Vibrio cholera was detected in samples exported fromIndia and 室內裝潢other south Asian countries. According to reports, recently a delegation from Saudi Arabia visited seafoodprocessing centres in India and held discussions with the officials of the Marine 澎湖民宿Products Export DevelopmentAuthority (MPEDA) and Seafood Exporters Association of India (SEAI). The delegation was reportedly impressed bythe efforts made by Indian seafood industry for 酒店打工maintaining quality that led to the lifting of the ban.Saudi Arabia has lifted the ban by adopting stricter quality control on incoming products into the country. A healthcertificate, as 帛琉mentioned in the handbook of the import of food stuff through the exit points of Gulf CooperationCouncil (GCC) countries, issued by a competent authority should be enclosed with each 澎湖民宿consignment. This is to ensurethat it is free from cholera or any other epidemic disease.

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